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Metal surface treatments

QA. CONTROLQA. CONTROL is a specialized company in the treatment of surfaces in metal parts or other materials.

Our services are oriented to the industrial sector both nationally and internationally in which we offer the application of the specific regulations in force in each sector at an international level and those of each client.

We offer extensive experience in the application of multiple techniques for the comprehensive management of each of the surface treatments of products, industrial components and parts: technical particle cleaning, precision degreasing, vibrating, polishing, shot peening and blasting of metal parts surfaces, with high quality results, also counting on specific verification, selection, packaging, assembly and logistics services processes. All this applying the regulations of each sector and an effective quality control on the processes and products.

We offer our services to national and international companies in accordance with all applicable regulations.

We have highly specialized personnel with technical training in the treatment of surfaces of all types of metal parts and other materials, guaranteeing our clients a totally professional and quality service and attention.

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